Monday, November 25, 2019

Hate Crimes essay

Hate Crimes essay Hate Crimes essay Hate Crimes essayThe terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 have led to the considerable increase in the rate of hate crimes against Muslims in the United States. In the first year after the September 11 attacks, the percentage of anti-Islamic hate crimes in the United States rose up to 1,000%. The statistical data on hate crimes against Muslims living in the United States helps to reveal real causes of these practices in order to â€Å"allow law enforcement to accurately prosecute hate crimes on behalf of the community† (American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 2012). Post-9/11 anti-Muslim and anti-Arab backlash and discrimination affected local and global communities to a great extent. For example, employment discrimination, bullying in schools, insults and other forms of backlash make Arab Americans feel unprotected in the United States (Korgen Furst, 2012). According to recent report, â€Å"the effect on Arab Americans has been so dramatic, that a recent study shows that discrimination and prejudice against Arab-Americans leads to measurable psychological distress and reduced levels of self-esteem and environmental mastery† (American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 2012). At the same time, hate crimes relate to fear, frustration and/or ignorance because many Americans have negative views toward Arab Americans, and foster stereotyping and prejudice. Some individuals and groups believe that violence directed at Muslims, as a form of revenge, is acceptable more than a decade after 9/11 because of continuous hate toward terrorists. The creation of the anti-Muslim movement is based on two key tactics, which influence the lives of Arab Americans. First, many people consider that the actions of the most radical Muslims are focused on interpreting the Koran, while peaceful Muslims do not follow this way. Second, many people believe that individuals and organizations who promote the representation of â€Å"moderate Islam† in the U.S. a re secret agents operatives in the Muslim plan aimed at destroying the West (Steinback, 2011). Thus, the issue about hate crimes should be addressed in a proper way. Effective solutions should be found to prevent social harm inflicted by hate crimes.

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