Friday, January 31, 2020

What is the connection between drugs and crime And how can the Essay

What is the connection between drugs and crime And how can the government stop the youth crime in London - Essay Example The paper also dwelt on the issue of legalizing some of these drugs. On a final note, this paper has presented conclusions and recommendations to promote a drug free and a crime-free society. Drugs are a threat to today’s society. Because of this fact, there are numerous studies which have attempted to establish a causative relationship between drugs and crime. Indeed, there is a steady relationship between drug abuse and the growing crime rate. This is evident as we often hear about sporadic violence occurring in those neighbourhoods of our cities which have acquired a reputation for the being drug joints of the city. There is a relationship between youths getting attracted to drugs and eventually towards crime (Bullock and Tilley 2002). Researchers have always tried to find out the answer to various questions relating to this menace. However, much of their theories remain unknown to the public. This may be the reason why drug abuse as a causative agent to youth crime has remained one of the prevailing problems of this modern world. Thus this paper aims to discuss the factors why drug abuse leads to the increasing rate of youth crime all over the country. Specifically it attempts to discuss the rate of drug abuse here in UK, the nature of drugs used in substance abuse and how they affect a person’s level of functioning, mental and emotional state; socioeconomic problems which link youth crime and substance abuse together and solutions and recommendations which can help lessen substance abuse and youth crime rates. Broadly, the term â€Å"drug† is used to describe â€Å"any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.† (WHO, 1969). Drugs are used to treat diseases, but there is a subset of drugs being termed as recreational drugs, which are chemical substances that affect

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Relationship between Human Nature and Global Warming Essay

The Relationship between Human Nature and Global Warming According to the National Academy of Sciences, global warming over the past century has caused a rise in Earth's surface temperature of about 1 degree Fahrenheit. There is evidence to substantiate attribution of the increased rate of this warming phenomenon over the past 50 years to human activities. Human activities have altered the chemical composition of Earth's atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases, chiefly carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide (Internet 0). This paper will explore modern human nature, the technology that it demands, and the effects, both positive and negative, that these factors have had on the environment. The advent of the Industrial Revolution in the early 1800s brought with it unprecedented improvements in the quality of human life. Individual freedom, technology, industry, and economic growth became symbols of success and happiness, and society molded itself around these new technologies to the point where they were necessary for survival. New applications of energy developed by the Industrial Revolution provided energy-intensive agricultural methods that caused death rates to fall sharply and population density to increase significantly (Internet 1). Over time, improvements to human life increased as industry developed. Industry is now a worldwide, powerful and booming establishment. It is impossible even to imagine all the aspects of modern life that exist as a direct result of industry, and few would disagree with the statement that industry has afforded humans life improvements on an unprecedented scale. Yet this success has come at a great cost to our environment. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revoluti... ...bal Warming Information, Internet 4 United States Environmental Protection Agency, /oar/globalwarming.nsf/content/emissions.html Internet 5 United States Environmental Protection Agency, content/emissions.html Internet 6 United States Environmental Protection Agency, nsf/content/emissions.html Internet 7 The Regional Impacts of Climate Change: An Assessment of Vulnerability,$file/chaptsum.pdf?OpenElement Internet 8 United States Environmental Protection Agency, Internet 9 United States Environmental Protection Agency, globalwarming.nsf/content/emissions.html

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Is presented in the 1997 film Essay

Hale is upset because he knows that John is innocent and he feels guilty because he was involved and doesn’t want to see an innocent man hang also he realises hoe precious life is and doesn’t want John to give it away: â€Å"Life is god’s greatest gift† Parris and Danforth are annoyed with John because if he had confessed to witch craft it would have justified all the other hangings but they understand that when they hang John they will be ruined and exposed as corrupt that is why it is slightly ironic when Danforth says â€Å"Whoever weeps for these weeps for corruption† The ending of the play is very dramatic using Elizabeth as the last person to speak saying the line â€Å"he have his goodness now god forbid I take it from him† this is telling us that she realises that he is a good man. Also seeing Elizabeth’s reactions and emotions it guides the audience and shows them how they should react themselves. During the Conclusion of the film adaptation the director shows lots of close ups of John and Elizabeth to show emotion which would have been expressed on the stage, this is affective because it shows you exactly how you should be feeling and why it is so emotional to John and Elizabeth. Also the music helps set the scene using dramatic music when John is deciding whether to sign or not an happier music when he decides to hang if the music was not their it would be difficult for the crowd to understand that the hanging is a good event rather than a sad event. The comments in â€Å"echoes down the corridor† are significant because they explain what John Proctor has hung for because when he says: â€Å"Show honours now show a stony heart and sink them with it† It explains that he â€Å"sunk† the court and broke theocracy in Salem. Miller persuades you that John Proctor didn’t die in vain. Also Miller is trying to put the point across that falsely accusing people of something they haven’t done has grave consequences’ this has links to himself and McCarthyism. In the play the ending scene is finished with Elizabeth because it would be difficult to show a real hanging on a stage without actually hurting some one and also leaving it their it’s a lot more dramatic showing the hanging through Elizabeth’s eyes. Were as in the film you see John Proctor hang this looses a lot of the drama in the ending scenes but it gives you a much more clear ending. Even though the endings are similar the play creates a lot more suspense ending on Elizabeth’s words rather than the actual hanging of John Proctor. In conclusion, Miller’s message is that McCarthyism was wrong and has portrayed the message through â€Å"The Crucible† maybe linking himself to the character of John Proctor. His message is portrayed extremely well using suspense and drama to get his points across. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Autism Is A Pervasive Developmental Disorder - 1796 Words

Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that is characterized by a person’s difficulty to communicate. This is due to neurological or biological dysfunction, and is usually diagnosed during early childhood. Autism Spectrum Disorder is more prevalent in boys than in girls. These children can present symptoms of limited or no speech development; they only use direct communication for immediate needs such as water, bathroom or sleep. Until today, there is no cure for ASD, but there are many types of treatment and interventions, such as Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Behavior Therapy. Researchers today have conducted new studies to revise how ASD can be diagnosed and treated. As I said before, the disorder is commonly†¦show more content†¦ASD has become the second most common childhood developmental disorder that affects brain functioning, social-interaction difficulties, communication challenges and a compromise in repetitive behaviors (Autism Speaks, 2013; Neely et al., 2012). Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder vary in children, some show mild symptoms and some show more severe symptoms. These symptoms include communication deficits such as not being able to understand verbal and nonverbal communication such as interpreting gestures and facial expressions. One example can be a smile because it can have a small meaning for a child diagnosed with autism (Autism Speaks, 2013). Children without autism tend to start speaking earlier than children with autism. In comparison to children with the same age, the autistic has less language and communication skil ls (Autism Speaks). The â€Å"Autism Spectrum Disorder† is a term referring to five disorders described under the category of persuasive developmental disorders (PPDs). The first one is the autistic disorder, which is a disorder when the child has a delay in speaking, doesn’t interact with other children and has repetitive behaviors and interests. Autistic disorder should be diagnosed at young age and is also more prevalent in boys, but girls having it display greater severity of symptoms. The Rett’s disorder only occurs in females. This disorder is characterized by normal development up to 5 months of age and followed by an observable decrease in